“Pray-As-You-Go” – MP3, WMA and iTune
This website caters for the IT savvy by providing downloadable audible prayers ready to go for your MP3, or in WMA or podcast (iTunes) format. Prayers can be downloaded daily or are conveniently zipped for collecting a week at a time. Broadband is a must to be able to use this site. Pray-as-you-go
Sacred Space
Something a bit different – on-line prayer and meditation. Easy to use, especially if you’re busy or not terribly confident about prayer, with the added attraction of a “cyber” feel.
Story of the Blue Mule
Try listening to this very amusing podcast of Mike Paton as he addresses the Baltimore Youth Catholic Conference. He’s loud, funny, very American and the story’s crescendo has an awesome message. Mike holds a Masters degree in Pastoral Studies from the Loyola University of the South, New Orleans and has thirteen years experience of youth ministry in the Archdiocese of New Orleans.
Story of the Blue Mule (8 Minutes 12 Seconds)
Archdiocese of Baltimore Youth Catholic Conference 20th Dec 06