State Schools
Parish Office Tel: 299 6056
Saturdays - Term 4 , it is a requirement that children attending State Schools attend these sessions before enrolling in the Sacramental Programme - please register your interest.
Sunday Mass
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Sundays 10.30am MassThe Fr Tom Ryder room provides a spacious and sunny area for children up to intermediate age level. Each session will focus on a particular scripture and is discussed and taught in a supportive and caring way. Children will be able to ask questions and receive the benefit of experienced and knowledgeable answers. We understand that it is really important that the children are able to enjoy these sessions, so making them comfortable with who they are, having fun as they learn and meeting new friends is really important to us too.
The Fr Tom Ryder room provides a spacious and sunny area for children up to intermediate age level. Each session will focus on a particular scripture and is discussed and taught in a supportive and caring way. Children will be able to ask questions and receive the benefit of experienced and knowledgeable answers. We understand that it is really important that the children are able to enjoy these sessions, so making them comfortable with who they are, having fun as they learn and meeting new friends is really important to us too.
If you have been considering re-introducing your children to the Catholic faith, or simply would like an external supplement to your own teachings, then these sessions would be ideal for your children. Come along, meet the convenors and have a chat - what have you got to lose?
Sacraments of Penance, Confirmation and Eucharist Enrolments – 2024 Registration on 6th August 2023, 12noon at parish hall.
Contact our Coordinator as below for all details. Children will need to be at least 8 years of age to take part in this year's preparation for Sacraments.
All Parents are asked to attend information meetings (to be advised). Please contact Anna Soo Choon for more info.
(09) 296 8221
Each year baptised children from the age of 8yrs, are invited to join the church’s sacramental programme to receive instruction regarding the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation.
A call for sacramental nominees is published near the end of the year in the church notices.
An important Introduction to Programme Parents Meeting is held early in the new year.
Sacramental instruction begins, leading to the Sacrament of Reconciliation in March.
Both Sacraments of the Eucharist and Confirmation are received during the Easter Season at a ceremony officiated by Bishop Stephen Lowe. Afterwards children enjoy a celebratory meal together in the parish hall.
Anna Soo Choon
or the parish office Tel (09) 299 6056.